Gleðilegt sumar!
Kæru foreldrar/forráðamenn
Á morgun fimmtudaginn 23. apríl er sumardagurinn fyrsti. Enginn skóli er þann dag og frístund er lokuð. Kennsla hefst samkvæmt skipulagi föstudaginn 24.apríl.
Starfsmenn Háaleitisskóla óska foreldrum, forráðamönnum og nemendum gleðilegs sumars.
Dear parents / guardians
Tomorrow Thursday the 23rd of April is the first day of Summer, there is no school that day and the after-school program is also closed. School will resume according to previous schedule Friday the 24th of April.
The staff of Háaleitisskóli wish parents, guardians and students a happy summer.