Skólasetning 2023 - 2024
Kæru foreldrar og forráðamenn.
Skólasetning Háaleitisskóla verður þriðjudaginn 22. ágúst kl 8:30 á sal skólans fyrir nemendur í 2. -10. bekk. Að skólasetningu lokinni hefst skólastarf samkvæmt stundatöflu.
Nemendur í 1. bekk koma í viðtöl ásamt forráðamönnum þriðjudaginn 22. ágúst. Skólastarf hjá þeim hefst miðvikudaginn 23. ágúst kl 08:15, stutt athöfn verður fyrir nemendur í 1. bekk á sal skólans um kl 08:30.
parents and guardians.
The school will start on Tuesday the 22nd of August. Students from 2nd. - 10th grade will come to the school hall for a short ceremony. After that school begins according to school schedule. ?
Students in 1st grade and their guardians have interviews with their teacher on Tuesday the 22nd. School begins for them on Wednesday the 23rd at 08:15. There will be a short ceremony at the school hall on Wednesday the 23rd. for them at 08:30.
Drodzy rodzice, opiekunowie
Poczatek roku szkolnego dla klas 2.-10. odbedzie ssie 22.sierpnia o godzinie 8:30 na stolówce szkolnej. Po przywitaniu odbeda sie normalne lekcje.
Rodzice uczniów klas 1 wraz z dziecmi zapraszamy na wywiadówke dnia 22. sierpnia. Rozpoczecie roku dla 1. klas odbedzie sie oficjalnie 23.sierpnia na stolówce szkolnej, a po tym rozpoczna sie lekcje wedlug planu.