31. maí 2018

Skólaslit skólaársins 2017 - 2018

Skólaslit skólaársins 2017 - 2018

Kæru foreldrar og forráðamenn.

Skólaslit skólans verða þriðjudaginn 5. júní. 1.- 5. bekkur er frá kl 09:00-10:00 og 6.- 9. bekkur frá kl 11:00- 12:00. Vonumst við til þess að sjá sem flesta foreldra með börnum sínum. Eftir formleg skólaslit á sal fara nemendur í heimastofur með umsjónarkennara þar sem vitnisburður fyrir skólaárið verður afhentur. Mikilvægt er að foreldrar athugi í óskilamunum hvort eitthvað leynist þar.

Dear parents and guardians.
Now the schoolyear has come to an end, and on Tuesday June the 5th we will end the school year formally in the school. We begin with 1.- 5th class from 09:00 - 10:00 and 6. - 9th. class from 11:00 - 12:00. The students are expected to attend the ceremony and we hope to see parents and guardians as well. After the formal ceremony is over the students will go to their classrooms with their teacher and get their testimony.
Remember to look through the lost and found before you leave.

Drodzy rodzice

Dnia 5. czerwca (wtorek) 2018 odbedzie sie uroczyste zakonczenie roku szkolnego.
Klasy od 1. do 5. przychodza na godzine 9:00 do 10:00
Klasy 6.- 9. na godzine 11:00 do 12:00.
Apel szkolny rozpoczyna sie w stolówce szkolnej, a pózniej wychowawcy zaprosza uczniów do sal.
Mamy nadzieje, ze zarówno uczniowie jak i rodzice beda z nami tego dnia.
Wazne, aby rodzice sprawdzili czy w rzeczach znalezionych nie ma przypadkiem ubran i innych przedmiotów nalezacych do Panstwa dzieci.


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